samedi, avril 02, 2005

The Pope

It seems like in the past couple of weeks, the news has been concerned about death. First, it was Terri Schiavo who mercifully died two days ago now, and now it's the Pope's turn, and pretty soon, it seems like the Prince of Monaco, Prince Renier is going to go in the next couple of days. I hope this death wave ends soon.

I never really examined how radical the election of Pope John Paul II was. First of all, the Pope who was before him was only Pope for 33 days, dying under suspicious circumstances. He is the first un-Italian pope in 455 years, and he has escaped death six or seven times in his life, including being hit by a truck, and being in a coma for a while, and surviving an assassination attempt. He difinitely is an extraordinary man. My hope is that he goes pretty soon, because every time I see him on television, he can barely speak, and he can no longer hold his head up.

I am really tired right now. Ashleigh and Chrystal are in the living room, both of them sleeping away, and I am the only one up watching the very redundant news coverage of everyone waiting for the pope to die/stabilize. They told me that they are going to stay until Sunday morning, which will be good, because Papa invited me to Mike and Mimi's place to have dinner.


I'm going to publish this now so that I can go to bed. It looks like they aren't going to update us on the Pope's health until 3:00, and there is no way that I am going to stay up for that.


Edited 1/27/06 @ 3:11 pm by B. Stewart Caswell


At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Bonjour Stewart,
Je suis française et je cherche à correspondre avec un(e) anglophone intéressé par la langue française.
J'ai l'impression , à lire tes commentaires , de te connaître déjà un peu.Tu me sembles être une personne extrêmement intelligente et sensible.Jusqu'à maintenant, j'ai écarté toute possibilité de correspondance avec des inconnus bien que cela me démangeait, car je craignait que les discussions ne soient trop superficielles.Si tu le souhaites, tu peux m'écrire à l'adresse suivante
J'habite à Paris, j'ai 34 ans et je travaille dans un service international d'une entreprise de télécom. J'ai fait il y a un certain temps déjà, des études de langues appliquées : LEA en anglais et allemand.Il me reste de très bons restes en anglais mais malheureusement je pers mon allemand...
J'espère avoir de tes nouvelles.
Il est près de minuit alors je te laisse.
A bientôt.


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