mardi, avril 26, 2005

Picture Uploading

This is me before a haircut... Posted by Hello

I just figured out how to put pictures on my blog... now if I can successfully put this lovely picture on to my profile that would be nice. It says that the picture can be no more than 50K...I wonder how I can resize it to get it to be the right size to put it into my profile. I'm getting another haircut on Thursday, so maybe I'll take another picture and put that one in my profile.

In other news, my cousin Sara popped in to do a little business with Mom. Sara works for ClearChannel, selling the stuff during which people turn the station, i.e. ads for radio. She's pretty professional-looking with her briefcase, and her cell phone. It really makes me feel like I'm wasting my time here, while I need to get into the workplace and actually start doing something. I have will have a lot of time to get my ass in gear because Mom wants me to run a garage sale we're having for a couple of weekends, maybe starting this weekend. So I can take my books out there and start plugging away at getting a degree. Hopefully somebody will be teaching the class that I need so I can finally get my degree and worry about other stuff, like maybe a Bachelor's in Media Studies or something like that, Since that is what I am most interested in.

And now for something completely different... I was going on one of my favorite sites in the world, Wikipedia, and stumbled upon an article about speech disorders. One of my Uncles' speech has been getting worse for the past three or four years or so, and he has been to every doctor he can think of, and they haven't been able to give him a definitive diagnosis as to what it is, what's causing him to lose his speech, etc. I started clicking around to see whether I could find out what he could have. I found an article on Primary Progressive Aphasia, which describes the sort of things he's been experiencing for quite awhile now. So I sent him the e-mail with the link to the page, and he hasn't responded to me quite yet. Needless to say, I felt pretty chipper when I went to bed this morning.

I helped Mom set up a blog of her own so she can get out her frustraations/thoughts in journal form instead of talking anout them in front of me all the time. The other day, she started right in again about how inappropriate it was for Sallye to buy Kate a quilt from the Pottery Barn, and then write 'Love Sallye' on the tag. Mom said, "How can she love anyone after what she did to my marriage with your father." The point I was trying to get across was that nobody's perfect, and you have no idea what was going on when Papa went down to New Orleans that first time. So, don't judge. So, I said, "I already know your opinion of Sallye. I don't want to hear it again." And I got mad at her. So hopefully she can put all of her thoughts into this blog, and go back to it, and make progress...

Well I am going to take a nap before Mom and I go out to visit Kate to drop off the coffee table and go out to eat.

à+ !