On the Home Stretch
My mother has been after me for quite sometime to just make a plan of what I have to do in order to finish my degree. And so, that is what I did. I gave myself until Thanksgiving to pass in all of the necessary papers. It looks like I can do that way before Thanksgiving. I'm looking at maybe the first week in November. After getting all of my papers in, the next thing is to get one of my professors to reverse the failing grade that she gave me three years ago so that I don't have to do an independent study, and can just write another paper and be done with this thing once and for all. That would be so nice. Then, I can finally put my BA in French on my résumé!
After that I can concentrate on the next step. Who knows what that is going to be. David, from the Paralympics finally e-mailed me back and said that he was going to call this week. I responded as soon as I got the e-mail, and he has yet to respond with a time. Which is okay, because I have to polish up my résumé (or my CV as the rest of the English-speaking world calls it) before I can even think about having gainful employment, emphasis on gainful. David said that there are numerous internship possibilities, but I did a little research on their website, and it said that they were not paid internships. Hey, if it doesn't work out, I know that it just was not meant to be.
I took my van to VIP in Belfast to get my van fixed from when I hit a deer awhile back, and I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone have have an oil change. I waited an hour and a half in their waiting room, watching FoxNews Channel of all things (the spawn of the devil that it is), and I got home, and it looks like they didn't do a single thing to it. The panel on the front of the van is still hanging down. Maybe I'll pay them a visit sometime tomorrow before I head out to Rockland. Give 'em a piece of my mind. I'm curious as to what they did for an hour and a half with my van. Such is life, I guess.
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