dimanche, mars 06, 2005

Goals for myself:

Goal: Be independent and be in control of my life

Goal: Finish my degree

Goal: Pass in incomplete for Nancy

1. Read handout

2. Start reading texts

3. Ask question about second part of assignment

Goal: Pass in incomplete for Jean F.

1. Order French Version of Maria Chapdelaine

2. Find disk with paper

3. Insert quotes

Goal: Pass in incomplete for Lucia

1. Contact Lucia, get on the same page

2. Find books necessary for assignment

Goal: Raise my GPA

1. Call Registrar’s office and get them to strike last semester off transcript

2. Pass in incompletes

Goal: Be self-sufficient

Goal: Take care of hygiene

1. Brush teeth a.m./p.m.

2. Deodorant

3. Have Mom leave shower chair in bathroom

a. Take bath every other day

b. Have shampoo every other day

Goal: Help around the house

1. Do dishes

2. Organize desk at end of the day

3. Put clothes in hamper

4. Make lunch

a. Get stuff out of fridge

b. Make lunch

c. Put stuff back in fridge

d. Take care of dishes

Goal: Tie up loose ends

1. Make an appointment w/ Ride-Away

2. Send in information to nelnet

3. Call people at USM:

a. Chrystal

b. Kate M

c. Leash

d. E-mail Ariel

e. E-mail Asher

f. E-mail Sandi F.

g. E-mail Sara

Goal: Earn Money

Goal: Polish up résumé

1. Find and/or write up résumé

2. Send it to:

a. Leash

b. Sandi B.

c. Sherrie K.

Goal: Scout and Find a job

1. Call David C. @ Penobscot School re: New Job Development

2. Look for jobs in paper

3. Put ad in paper about French tutoring services